EYFS Admissions Information Page

Welcome to Hamstreet Primary Academy

Thank you for accepting a place at at our school and welcome to Hamstreet Primary Academy.

We are very much looking forward to meeting you and we hope you and your child will be very happy at our school.

Children learn best when they are happy and feel valued, challenged, supported and encouraged, so at Hamstreet we take care to ensure our education is both enriching and enjoyable. We particularly think it is important to nurture our children’s wellbeing, creativity, physical development and independence, At Hamstreet, we aim to support our children to develop a love for learning which will continue throughout their lives and so we teach children about the importance of positive learning attitudes and how to build their learning power.

Please find below details of the Early Years Induction Programme we will be running, which gives you and your child opportunities to familiarise yourselves with the Foundation Stage routine and environment and also introduce you to some of the staff they will be with during their first year. We see this as the beginning of a very important partnership which should develop during the time your child spends with us. We hope that all children and parents will attend these sessions, as it will make your child’s entry to our academy a positive and smooth process.

On Thursday 15th June at 6pm, we would like to invite you to an evening presentation; ‘Getting Ready for School’ in which we will be talking about the many different ways in which you can prepare your child for starting school in September. This will give you, as parents, a better insight into what takes place in the Reception Year and also an opportunity to discuss any individual concerns with the staff. Our uniform will be on display, our kitchen staff will also be providing school lunches for you to sample.

Induction Sessions – From Wednesday 28th June to Friday 30th June 9.00 – 11.45am your child is invited to attend three induction sessions in one week, during which time they will get to know their peers and the Early Years staff.

School and Home visits – We would also like to arrange to visit you and your child at your home during the week of Monday 4th to Wednesday 6th September. Please contact the school as soon as possible to arrange a date and time for each of these meetings, thank you.

Story Time – Your child is also invited to attend our weekly story time session on a Wednesday, starting from 3rd May. Please bring your child along to the academy office at 2.25pm, they will be met and taken to the Reception classes where their teachers will read stories.

Visits to your child’s pre-school settings: During June and July, the Early Years staff try to visit your child in their nursery to receive information from them to ease transition, so please include these details on the form.

We are looking forward to working with you in the future and meeting you during our induction programme.

Helen Glancy
Head of School

School Prospectus

Please follow the link below to read our school prospectus:

Introduction to My Child at School (MCAS)

At Hamstreet Primary Academy we use an online school management information system called Bromcom. We use this to manage school data and share information with you about your children and the school.

There is an app and website attached to this system that allows you to interact with this information. The app is called MyChildAtSchool, abbreviated to MCAS, and is available to download for iOS and Android – you can also use the website www.mychildatschool.com.

MyChildAtSchool – Parent App on the the iOS App Store

MyChildAtSchool – Parent App on the the Google Play Store

MCAS allows us to contact you with important school messages, share school documents and publish your child’s reports. You will also be able to see the personal information we hold about you and your child, access the school shop and pay for school trips and dinners.

The school office will send an email to those contacts listed with ‘Parental Responsibility’ for your child. It will contain a web link to the registration page for MCAS, a username and an invitation code to allow the recipient to activate their account and set a password.

After clicking on the link, type in the School ID: 12328, your login and the invitation code. MCAS will ask you to enter an email address and password. You will then receive an email from the MCAS system confirming that your account is set up and requesting you to ‘click’ on a link to verify your email address.

You should now be able to sign in to the app/website and view details about your child.

Student Admissions Form via MyChildAtSchool

Please use the following guide to complete the Admissions Form for your child – it is very important that you complete these steps so that we have the most up to date and relevant information relating to you, your child and any additional contacts you would like us to know about.

As a new admission we hold only basic information about you and your child. By using the MyChildAtSchool app you will be able to provide us with additional information that will support the school in caring for your child.

In order to access the Admissions Form you must first log in to the app/website and then select Admissions Form from the main menu.


When you tap Edit Details you will be asked to choose between editing your child’s details or your own. Please choose Student:

MCAS Website

After selecting the Admissions Form you will automatically be shown your child’s form:

On the form you will be able to view and edit the following information that we hold about your child:

  • Legal Full Name can only be changed by contacting the school office.
  • Preferred First Name
  • Preferred Last Name
  • Former Last Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Country of Birth
  • Date of Arrival in the UK
  • Languages Spoken
  • Religious Affiliation
  • Ethnicity
  • Nationality
  • Previous Schools is not relevant to EYFS admissions, there is no need to complete this.
  • Medical Conditions
    • NHS Number
    • Blood Group
    • Emergency Consent to School
      • By ticking this you agree that, should your child need urgent medical treatment, that a member of staff may give consent on your behalf. This is standard consent that applies to all children whilst at school of off-site on trips. Please contact the school office if you wish discuss this further.
    • Paramedical Support
      • Does your child receive physiotherapy?
      • Does your child receive speech therapy?
      • Does your child receive occupational therapy?
  • Medical Conditions
    • Please let us know which of the conditions listed are applicable. These cover Allergies, Dietary Requirements, Medical Conditions and Physical Disabilities.
    • If a medical condition is not listed or you wish to supply additional information about medication that your child requires please complete the Medical Information Form in Additional Information & Forms– it will be submitted to the school office for processing.
  • Disabilities
    • Please let us know which of the disabilities listed are applicable.
      • No disability
      • Problems with Mobility
      • Problems with Hand Function
      • Problems with Personal Care
      • Problems with Eating & Drinking
      • Problems with Medication
      • Problems with Incontinence
      • Problems with Communication
      • Problems with Learning
      • Problems with Hearing
      • Problems with Vision
      • Problems with Behaviour
      • Problems with Consciousness
      • Problems with ASD/Asperger’s
      • Problems with Palliative Care Needs
      • Other Disability/Health Problem
    • If you would like to provide additional information about a disability affecting your child please complete the Disability Information Form in Additional Information & Forms -it will be submitted to the school office for processing.
  • Linked Surgery
    • Please let us know which doctor’s surgery your child is registered at.
    • Be aware that some surgeries have been duplicated on the list, choose one and if your surgery is missing you can add it at the bottom of the list.
  • Home Address Details
    • Please add your child’s main residence as Home and any additional residences as Additional Home.

When you have completed the form please click Submit Changes.

Please note – Any amendments will first be approved by school administration staff before any records are permanently updated. Amendments that are not approved will revert back to their original state.

Additional Information & Forms

Please add any further information that you may wish the academy to know about via the Additional Information Form below. You may wish inform us of other important information about your child and family. The school needs to know if your child has any additional educational needs, has an EHCP or a Care Plan. It would also be helpful to tell us the name and address of the nursery your child attends/attended (if applicable).

Please use the Medical Information Form below to share with us any additional information relating your child’s medical conditions or to let us know about any medication your child is taking at home or at school. This information will only be shared with the appropriate members of staff and paramedics, in case of an emergency.

If you would like to provide additional information about a disability affecting your child please complete the Disability Information Form below.

It is your responsibility to inform us of any change in your child’s condition or to their medication.

Please contact the school office on 01233 732577, if you require any assistance with the forms above.

Parent / Contact Admissions Form via MyChildAtSchool


When you tap Edit Details you will be asked to choose between editing your child’s details or your own. Please choose Personal:

MCAS Website

After selecting the Admissions Form you will automatically be shown your child’s form. Click on View Your Personal Details (top right) to edit the information we hold about you:

Use this form to update information we hold about you and to add/update any additional contacts you wish to have linked to your child.

On the form you will be able to view and edit the following information:

  • Title
  • Legal Full Name can only be changed by contacting the school office
  • Relationship to child
  • Priority (where 1 is the most important contact who is to be contacted first)
  • Member of the UK Armed Forces
  • Telephone Numbers
  • Email Addresses
  • Home Addresses
  • Additional Contacts
    • The options above repeated for the additional contact

Consents via MyChildAtSchool

Whilst your child is at Hamstreet Primary Academy we want you to be happy that we are using their information, taking them on trips and using their photographs and videos with your consent.


In the MCAS app Parental Consent is an option on the main menu. Select it and you will shown the Parental Consent page:

MCAS Website

After selecting the Admissions Form you will automatically be shown your child’s form. Click on View Parental Consents (top right) to view the Parental Consent page:

On the Parental Consent page you will be able to consent to the following:

  • Internet Access
  • Online Safety
  • Photographs for Academy Displays
  • Photographs for Academy Publicity
  • Photographs for Annual Class & Individual
  • Photographs for Local and National News Stories
  • School Trips
  • Forest School
  • Social Media
  • Videos for Academy Displays & Assemblies
  • Videos for Local and National News Stories
  • Videos of Performances shared with Other Parents

For each of the consents, please read the description and give your consent by selecting the slider button. If you wish to withdraw your consent or would like to know more about consents, please contact the school office.

Further Support with MCAS

We have created a support page for MCAS on the ACE Learning Website:

MyChildAtSchool Support Pages

There you can find guides for using MCAS with a browser and for using the MCAS App. Links to these can be found below:

A Guide to MyChildAtSchool (via a browser)

A Guide to MyChildAtSchool (via the App)

If you need any further support with MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) please contact the school office or email mcas@ham-street.org.uk with your question.