Pupil Reports

Changes to Reporting Arrangements [Year 1 to Year 6]

Changes to Reporting Arrangements [EYFS]

Pupil Reports [For Reports Pre-2024/2025]

Reports are sent home to parents at the end of Terms 2, 4 and 6.

The class teacher will write a short general comment on your child’s performance and progress as well as a comment specific to English and Maths. These comments will state whether your child is on track or not on track to make the expected progress for their age and, where appropriate, will set targets and next steps for their learning.

Children are also graded from A-D in 12 different areas linked to their learning (see below).

Guide to Grades [For Reports Pre-2024]

The following Guide to Grades accompanies a pupil’s report.

 Outstanding (A)Good (B)Satisfactory (C)Unsatisfactory (D)
Reading, Writing, Maths, Science & Wider CurriculumPupil asks good questions.
Pupil is prepared to take risks.
Work is of a high standard.
Pupil is well organised.
Work is well presented.
Pupil acts on staff feedback.
Pupil enjoys their work.
Pupil is proud of achievement.
Pupil answers questions.
Pupil sometimes takes risks.
Work is of a good standard.
Pupil is usually well organised.
Presentation is good.
Tries to learn from mistakes.
Has a good attitude to work.
Pupil enjoys learning.
Asks and answers questions with support / encouragement.
Work is of a satisfactory standard.
Presentation could be better.
Needs reminders to learn from mistakes.
Sometimes needs encouragement to complete tasks.
Is reluctant to take part in discussions.
Gives up when work is challenging.
Often makes the same mistakes.
Needs adult support most of the time.
Is rarely organised.
Finds concentration difficult.
Social Emotional DevelopmentIs fully aware of their own feelings and emotions.
Is fully aware of the needs of others.
Supports others.
Has strategies to cope well in all situations.
Is aware of their own feelings and emotions.
Is aware of others.
Gets on well with others.
Copes well in different situations.
Is usually aware of their own feelings and emotions.
Is usually aware of others.
Usually supports others.
Usually copes well in different situations.
Finds it difficult to control own feelings and emotions.
Is usually unaware of the feelings of others. Finds adapting to different situations difficult.
Attitude to LearningHighly motivated.
Challenges themselves.
Has high expectations.
Is willing to go further to improve.
Independently continues learning outside of the class.
Can challenge themselves.
Has good expectations.
Tries hard.
Has good interest levels.
Completes what is required.
Sometimes challenges themselves.
Maintains interest in class.
Rarely completes work.
Is reluctant to challenge themselves.
Is often distracted and uninterested.
Disruptive of others.
UniformAlways in full school uniform and is well presented at all times of the day.
PE kit is always in school when needed.
Adheres to school policy regarding jewellery, makeup, wearing of trainers etc.
Very often in full school uniform and mostly well presented.
Nearly always has PE kit in school and willingly wears kit provided if forgotten.
Responds to reminders regarding jewellery, makeup, wearing of trainers etc.
Regularly wears items of clothing that are not part of the school uniform.
Often forgets PE kit but will wear spare kit provided.
Sometimes will not respond to reminders regarding jewellery, makeup, wearing of trainers etc.
Very rarely in school uniform.
Often forgets or leaves PE kit at home and refuses to wear spare kit provided.
Breaks policy regarding jewellery, makeup, and wearing of trainers despite numerous reminders.
HomeworkProduces homework of a very high standard and can extend their own learning.Completes homework set and will sometimes challenge themselves by completing more than what is required.Completes homework set.Rarely completes homework.
BehaviourIs always well behaved, polite and well mannered.Is usually well behaved, polite and well mannered.Is usually well behaved, polite and well-mannered but could be improved upon.
Some blue incidents.
Is often poorly behaved.
Has had red incidents.
Attendance100%98% to 99.9%95% to 97.9%Less than 95%
PunctualityIs never late.
No late marks.
Is sometimes late.
1 or 2 late marks.
Is regularly late.
3 or 4 late marks.
Is always late.
5 late marks or more.